Alisa Centehua Cruz - Nam Myoho Renge Kyo ArtreDeCruz SPC ArteDeCruz Shop

206.909.0705 - text 


The Tech Spec

Through difficulty comes the ability to describe the problem, then to find a new way to resolve it.

55 S Atlantic St, Suite 406
Seattle, Wa 98134 

206.909.0705 - text

Sun: Closed, Mon-Fri: 8 am-6 pm, Sat: 10 am-4 pm

Aws platform


The EMR / EHR today is outdated. The health & wellness industry has been poorly overlooked and not one single system is integrative to all, and there is no central platform. This data is not only valuable to patients safety, but also to the providers and businesses that serve healthcare.


Integration into ANY health & wellness EHR/EMR or POS, retail system.

Centralized data

Centralized data to stop medication abuse, multiple provider overlap. Environmental impact. Distribution & warehousing of goods. etc.

license management

Licensing, accreditation, verification and Continuing Education housing, reminder, testing & reporting.

SHRM - cp


Work from home has swept the globe since the pandemic and is starting to become a thing of the past due to accountability and the lack of new innovative technology.

People ops

Ai chat bot integration into company intranet.


  • Re-skilling

  • Performance Review

continuing education

  • Gallup & Six Sigma ideologies for development, culture, employee engagement, leadership training,